The Portrait Project
In The Portrait Project, three artists perform interweaving solos made of poetic text and dance that interact with life-scale oil paintings of themselves, mounted on rolling structures that move around the space as scenic objects. The oil paintings share the stage with their living counterparts who perform “self-portraits” that ask questions about how we see ourselves, how others see us, and how those perceptions match or clash. The Portrait Project wonders about universality across experiences, and invites the audience to wonder along with us. Alive & Well Productions created the project in collaboration with Chicago-based visual artist Poppy Golland. The project received support from Zellerbach Family Foundation.
Conceived + Directed By | Annie Kahane
Dancers | Courtney King, Dominique Hargrove, Kyle Limin
Paintings | Poppy Golland
Choreography | Annie Kahane, Courtney King, Dominique Hargrove, Kyle Limin
Text | Annie Kahane, Courtney King, Dominique Hargrove, Kyle Limin